Women are the architects who have designed this beautiful society. Being a woman is a gift. Women play important roles in the society as well as at home. They play the role of a mother and dedicate their entire life in bringing the best of their dear ones. As a daughter they never fail to hold their values by making their families proud. There are many women who are homemakers but being a home maker is definitely not an easy job as the sacrifice their dreams to fulfill the dreams of their family. In the past fifty years, women have travelled a long way to reach the level they are in today. They have struggled and fought against many social evils to bring up gender equality in the society. They have not completely succeeded. In many rural parts of India women are treated as an inferior to men. Even in urban areas, women have not completely got an equal opportunity but are given equal job opportunities, education and leadership opportunities. Today, women are doing things that they have never done before.

Women are considered as weak even though they perform the jobs they are assigned to without any complaints. They perform all the roles just by being a homemaker too. Women go for other jobs too apart from this most of them are also homemakers of the society deserve a huge respect as they are an administrator, manager, cook, leader, nurse and a psychologist for the entire family. For every problem in a family most of the times the solution is with the mother. Whether it is finding a lost item or managing the budget of the family for everything mother has a solution. As an administrator she assigns work two different family members based on their interest. As a manager she manages the budget of the family bi planning how much days should spend in a month. She also plays a major role in having a saving for the future in the family. As a cook she cooks delicious and healthy meals for everyone in the family based on what they like. As a leader she helps in bringing of a well-disciplined family, teaches the kids moral values and how to behave according to situation. As a psychologist understand the concern of every member of the family and make sure that everyone is given individual attention and no one is left alone. She acts as a nurse when someone in the family is not feeling well and takes the utmost care of them until they get well soon.

Most of the women in our society the profession to be a teacher. This is because women have a lot of patience and are ready to dedicate themselves to lighten up the lives of other children by treating them as children. Women have paved a good foundation to kids because of their patience and the love they show towards the children. Another possible reason why women prove to be successful kindergarten teachers is because they understand the psychology of a kid better. The toddlers usually prefer being with their mother so when a female teacher comes they get a warm and lovable environment which the kids love. These are the reasons why most of the teachers are female. Being a teacher is also a comfortable job for woman as they like to be attached to their family and the working hours of a school helps the women spend time with her own family members too. That is why we see most of the women are working as teachers in the same school their kid’s study.

Women have also stepped their legs in business now a days. There are a lot of businesses like restaurant chains and clothing companies which are run by women by enhancing the skills they already possess by being at home maker in developing business. There are many start-ups by women that focuses on technical education that they have gained by going to college to break the illusion that only men can do business. This is not seen as a competition rather it is seen as a peak position where the women have reached. Women have also proved to be successful CEO’s even in popular companies like YouTube and General Motors. Every successful man has a woman behind them. This is a very popular saying but in order for a woman to be successful there has to be a little support from men. There is no gender which is inferior to the earth and women empowerment means bringing up women which can be done only with the help of other men, women and kids.
There are many reservations in our country to bring up equal representation even in the politics of our country make the role of women prominent in our society. There are also many diversities drives by popular companies that give equal opportunities for women to get employed in the major companies to bring a balance in the gender ratio representation. We all have heard of Mangalyaan India’s Maiden mission to Mars launched on 5th November 2013 by ISRO. There were about 500 people working behind it but the major driving force behind the mission were women. Ritu Karidhal, Nandini Harinath, Moumitha Dutta were some of the women who played an important role in the testing procedures of the mission. The women have a major role in the society but the status of women today in our society contradicts with the one discussed. There are many women in different parts of India who lack primary education and hygiene services just because of the gender discrimination. Hope this would change one day where whatever we speak becomes real.